Entries by Dr Vitalis

2014 Vasario 16

2014 Vasario 16 švęsime Velingtone. Norėtumėt sudalyvaut? Rašykit mums žinutę!

Awesome Lithuanians are pationate about basketball

We have quite a few talented Lithuanians in New Zealand. And these awesome guys produce awesome stuff! :) Lithuanians! We are all basketball lovers! Check out this iphone application and play for Lithuania. And, of course, spread the word! :) Like it on Facebook! The author of application, Dr Ignas Kukenys completed his Ph.D. degree […]

Lithuanian Independence Day 2011

You are invited to our traditional celebration of Lithuanian Independence Day at Mrs. Petraska’s house on Sunday, 20th of February at 2pm. Address: 10 Lucerne Road, Remuera, Auckland. Please bring a plate.


Kvieciame dalyvauti “Ambersail” jachtos sutikime Oklendo Viaduct Harbour. Sutikimas ivyks Sausio 11 diena (sekmadieni) 16 valanda.