NZ Lithuanian short film festival

Lithuanian Short Film Nights in New Zealand 2023

Lietuviškų filmų festivalis Naujojoje Zelandijoje „Lithuanian Film Festival in New Zealand“, didžiuojasi pristatydami renginį „Lietuviškų trumpametražių filmų naktis“. Šio vakaro metu bus rodomi penki geriausi trumpametražiai filmai iš Lietuvos. Išties įspūdinga kolekcija.

Festivalis yra organizuojamas bendradarbiaujant su Naujosios Zelandijos lietuvių bendruomene ir Lietuvių trumpametražių filmų agentūra „Lithuanian Shorts“. Renginiai leis susipažinti su Lietuvos kino kūrėjų talentu ir kūrybine vaizduote.

Renginiai vyks Aucklande, Wellingtone ir New Plymouth, taip pat internetinėje platformoje.

Bilietus įsigykite jau dabar!

Renginio informacija:

Aucklandas – balandžio 18 d., antradienį, 19 val., „The Kingslander“.

Wellingtonas – balandžio 19 d., trečiadienį, 19 val., baras ir restoranas „Southern Cross Garden“.

New Plymouth – balandžio 20 d., ketvirtadienį, 19 val., Govett-Brewster meno galerija.

Internetinėje platformoje – balandžio 22 d., šeštadienį ir balandžio 23 d., sekmadienį.

Bendras seanso trukmė: 68 minutės.

Išsami informacija ir bilietai

Sekite informaciją:


The Lithuanian Film Festival in New Zealand is proud to present “Lithuanian Short Film Night”, featuring a collection of the five best short films from Lithuania.

The festival is organised in collaboration with the Lithuanian community in New Zealand and the Lithuanian Short Film Agency “Lithuanian Shorts”. The events will showcase the talent and creativity of Lithuanian filmmakers.

Events will take place in Auckland, Wellington, and New Plymouth, as well as on an online platform.

Get your tickets today!

Event information:

Auckland – Tuesday, April 18th, 7 pm, at The Kingslander.

Wellington – Wednesday, April 19th, 7 pm, at the Southern Cross Garden Bar and Restaurant.

New Plymouth – Thursday, April 20th, 7 pm, at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery.

Online platform – Saturday, April 22nd, and Sunday, April 23rd.

Total session duration: 68 minutes.

Detailed info and tickets

11th of March – the day of restoration of Independence of Lithuania celebrated in NZ

As the day of the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence approaches, a quiet transformation unfolds, far from the homeland’s borders. An enigmatic connection unites the hearts of those who, despite the vastness of oceans and continents, hold on to a shared sense of belonging. It’s a story of resilience, reinvention, and the remarkable power of a common identity that transcends the barriers of time and space.

Take, for instance, the Lithuanian community in New Zealand – a place more than 17,000 kilometers away from Lithuania, with a staggering time difference of 11 hours. Despite the seemingly insurmountable distance, Lithuanians have managed to create a microcosm of their homeland in a distant corner of the world. It is here, in this unlikely setting, that the spirit of Lithuania’s independence burns as brightly as ever.

The story of New Zealand’s Lithuanian community began in the 19th century when a handful of adventurous souls first ventured to this far-flung land. Over time, this intrepid group laid the foundation for a thriving Lithuanian enclave that continues to evolve and adapt to its ever-changing surroundings.

In recent years, a fresh wave of Lithuanians has arrived in New Zealand, reinvigorating the community with their energy and enthusiasm. This influx of newcomers has also brought about a resurgence in the use of the Lithuanian language – a poignant reminder of the bond that unites these individuals despite their disparate backgrounds.

The community, though small, is a diverse tapestry of experiences and stories. Among its members are those who fled the horrors of war, only to rebuild their lives in an unfamiliar land. There are the love emigrants, who journeyed across the world for the sake of their relationships, forging new lives alongside their New Zealand-born partners. And, of course, there are the young adventurers who have arrived on working holiday visas, eager to explore new horizons and opportunities.

Together, these seemingly disparate threads weave a rich, intricate fabric that is both a testament to the community’s resilience and a reflection of its unique character. Through their shared experiences and common heritage, these Lithuanians have forged a bond that transcends the boundaries of time and distance, ensuring that the spirit of Lithuania’s independence is kept alive and well, even in the most remote of locales.

As the world celebrates the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence, it is worth remembering that the true essence of this momentous occasion lies not only in the tricolor Lithuanian flag that proudly flies in the homeland but also in the hearts of those who, no matter where they find themselves, continue to embody the spirit and resilience that define their Lithuanian identity.


Loosely translated from

Lithuanian Film Festival 2022

Following a successful reception of the first Lithuanian Film Festival in Auckland last year, local expats continue the new-born tradition by offering New Zealanders the latest film gems from their home country, both for kids and adults. Screened at the Academy Cinemas on Sunday, 17th of July, the festival is a part of the international centennial celebration of one of Lithuania’s most prominent cultural figures – poet, filmmaker and artist JONAS MEKAS – a native Lithuanian who emigrated to New York in 1949 and became known as a godfather of American avant-garde cinema collaborating with a host of artists
including John Lennon and Yoko Ono, The Velvet Underground, Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, Patti Smith and Sonic Youth.

This year’s festival programme consists of a film for kids, A BUTTERFLY’S HEART (2021), directed by Inesa Kurklietyte; support screening for Ukraine MARIUPOLIS (2016) in memory of film’s director Mantas Kvedaravicius recently killed by Russian soldiers while filming MARIUPOLIS 2 in Mariupol, Ukraine; an international centennial celebration of JONAS MEKAS by featuring IN
BETWEEN (1978) directed by Jonas Mekas and JONAS KEEPS SHOOTING AROUND (2002) directed by Pip Chodorov; and the best Lithuanian film 2022 and the winner of 78th Venice Film Festival in the Horizons category, a section of the main competition dedicated to young and debuting filmmakers, PILGRIMS (2021) directed by Laurynas Bareisa.

After screening the kids’ film A BUTTERFLY’S HEART, the children and adults are invited to join a special Creative Nature Art Workshop to learn how to make sustainable art pieces from natural elements led by local creative Marina Pauliukova. Later in the day, before the closing film, PILGRIMS, the audience is invited to the reception featuring New York-based jazz vocalist and
composer Simona Smirnova. She will perform a few original Baltic folk songs giving a taste of the upcoming Multipart Singing
Workshop on 23rd July at TAPAC, a closing event of the Lithuanian Days Aotearoa 2022.

The festival will host two virtual Q&A sessions with film directors – Pip Chodorov, a filmmaker, curator, Jonas Mekas’ friend, and Laurynas Bareisa, director of PILGRIMS.

All proceeds from screening MARIUPOLIS will be donated to support Ukraine’s resistance against Russian aggression.

Book your tickets via Academy cinema.

Lithuanian Film Festival – Auckland, 18 July 2021

On Sunday, 18 July, one day only, New Zealanders will have the opportunity to enjoy a selection of award-winning short and feature-length films from Lithuania. Organised by a team of Lithuanian expats, the Lithuanian Film Festival will shine a spotlight on the rich cinematic stories from this Northeastern European nation. The festival will be held at Academy Cinema in Central Auckland and six films will be screened over the course of the day.

2020 Vasario 16 minėjimas Oklende / Lithuanian Independence Day 2020

Laba diena,

Sveikiname sulaukus Naujųjų Metų! Lai jie bus prasmingi ir turiningi, dovanojantys susiklausymą ir darnumą.

Noriu pasinaudoti proga ir maloniai pakviesti į Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės Dienos paminėjimą vasario 8 d., šeštadeinį, 14 val.

Good Shepherd katalikų bažnyčioje 27 Telford Ave, Balmoral, Auckland.

Mišias laikys kunigas Juozas Deveikis iš Melburno.

Tai bus pirmosios mišios lietuvių kalba mūsų bendruomenės istorijoje. Nuostabi proga tiek krikščionims pasimelsti, tiek pasauliečiams susikaupti.

Po mišių bus vaišės.

Garbės svečias ambasadorius Gediminas Varvuolis pasidalins žiniomis iš Lietuvos.

Prašome atsinešti maisto prie bendro vaišių stalo.

Mokestis $10 (už patalpų nuomą)

Pinigus prašome pervesti į Lithuanian Society of New Zealand Inc banko sąskaitą:


Praneškite apie dalyvavimą [email protected] .



Good evening,

Happy New Year!

Hope you had a wonderful time with the family and friends and looking forward to an eventful and meaningful year.

I would like kindly invite you and your family to celebrate Lithuanian Independence Day with a Holly Mass lead by Lithuanian priest Father Juozas Deveikis followed by reception. For the first time in New Zealand you will be able to attend a Lithuanian mass. Father Juozas will fly from Melbourne specially for this occasion.

Please join us regardless of your faith. It will be great to pray alongside fellow Christians or reflect in silence if you are not a religious person.

Date: Saturday, 8th of February at 2 p.m.

Venue: Good Shepherd Catholic Church

27 Telford Ave, Balmoral, Auckland

Guest of honour Ambassador Gediminas Varvuolis

Please bring a plate for shared table.

Fee for hall hire $10. Please make payment to Lithuanian Society of New Zealand Inc bank account: 03-0114-0456866-00

Please R.S.V.P. to [email protected].

Kind regards,


Konsulinė misija 2017 Oklende

Gavome žinutę iš Mindaugo Stankevičiaus. Jis yra naujas Lietuvos ambasados Japonijoje antrasis sekretorius, pakeitęs Ingą Miškinytę.

Lietuvos ambasada Japonijoje ir šiemet organizuoja išvažiuojamąją konsulinę misiją Naujojoje Zelandijoje. Misija vyks Oklende lapkričio 14 d. 2017, Lietuvos garbės konsulato patalpose.

Galėsite pasikeisti lietuvišką pasą, pateikti dokumentus dėl užsienyje sudarytos santuokos ar vaikų gimimo, ir gauti kitas konsulines paslaugas.

Būtina išankstinė registracija, todėl iš anksto kreipkitės į ambasadą [email protected].

Lietuvos pilietybė mišriose šeimose gimusiems vaikams

(Paruošta pagal informaciją pateiktą el. laiške, kurį gavau iš Lietuvos Respublikos ambasados Japonijoje 2017 vasario 2 dieną)

Lietuvos pilietybės įstatymas nustato, kad vaikas, kurio nors vienas iš tėvų yra Lietuvos pilietis, įgyja Lietuvos pilietybę gimimu, nepriklausomai nuo gimimo vietos – Lietuvoje ar užsienyje. Jeigu Jūsų vaikas gimimu įgijo ir kito tėvo valstybės pilietybę, pagal Lietuvos pilietybės įstatymą, vaikas lieka abiejų valstybių pilietis ir nėra nustatymas terminas, kad sulaukus 21 metų amžiaus, jam reiktų pasirinkti vieno iš tėvų pilietybę. Toks pasirinkimo reikalavimas buvo panaikintas 2016 metų įstatymo pataisa.

Nedalyvaujant vaikui ambasadoje galėtumėte pateikti prašymą dėl lietuviško paso išdavimo vaikui iki sūnui sukaks 1 metai. Vaikams iki 5 metų amžiaus išduodami pasai galiojantys 2 metus. Būdamas užsienyje prašymą išduoti pasą vaikui galite pateikti tik asmeniškai atvykęs į ambasadą arba susitikimo su ambasados konsuliniu pareigūnu metu, kai vykdoma konsulinė misija.

Tad ką daryti gimus vaikui dėl Lietuvos pilietybės?

Kadangi informacija laikui bėgant kinta ir jūsų situacijai gali būti reikalingi kiek kitokie dokumentai nei reikėjo man, susisiekite su ambasada.

Mums reikėjo:

  • Santuokos registracijos dokumentų Lietuvoje (turėjome šiuos dokumentus iš anksčiau)
  • Gimimo liudijimą patvirtinti apostile
  • Pateikti oficialų gimimo liudijimo vertimą


NZ dokumentus apostilėmis tvirtina ir oficialiai verčia NZ vidaus reikalų departamentas (Department of Internal Affairs):

Nepaisant, kad tai du skirtingi procesai – tereikės užpildyti vieną prašymo formą.